
Located in California's prime agricultural growing region, Sensient Natural Ingredients takes sustainability seriously. Our agronomists continue to breed new seed lines that enhance both quality and productivity, while reducing overall energy requirements for crop hauling and dehydration process. We use land and water resources efficiently, and continue to reduce the amount of fossil fuels consumed per unit of production.

Sustainable Agriculture


We utilize drip irrigation in the fields to reduce water consumption, and reuse 100% of the rinse water from our crop washing cycles to irrigate neighboring farms and orchards.


We continue to invest in agronomy research to make our crops more efficient for transportation and dehydration, to further reduce fossil fuels consumption and emissions.


We work with our growers to keep a balanced crop rotation schedule, ensuring nutrients to be replenished back to the soil naturally.

Corporate Responsibility

Sensient has a long-standing commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainable business practices. This Corporate Responsibility Report describes Sensient's efforts to meet its commitments for our products, customers, employees, environment, and the communities in which we operate.


Field Operations Harvest

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